Ubuntu lucid lynx linux explained by Aquevix. Windows may not be the best choice. How microsoft is loosing it's user base.
Aug 8, 2010: I finally got away from Windows XP on my Dell Latitude D630. 80 GB of data, firmly archived, saved on 2 external hard drives in 2 different formats. Then sanitized the disk with mhdd ERASE command.
Why do I hate windows? Or do I?
Actually I don't. I use windows more than Linux and I appreciate the tools and utilities available on windows. Microsoft Office rocks! But the core of the problem is Windows itself. There are viruses, malware, activex, hanging programs, then Microsoft itself.
For past 3-4 months, windows xp had become so slow on my computer that with a fresh boot, opening windows explorer was a 2 minute job. Never mind that my laptop is a 2 GB Ram, 7200 RPM, Core 2 Duo. So what's the deal? Is it windows itself that is ageing on my machine?
I certainly do not appreciate installing 100 different programs from 40 different disks, searching for their serial numbers, activating products, calling customer service to explain why I am activating again, defragmenting and the lame command prompt (Yes, PowerShell sucks).
Since most of the machine at Aquevix are Linux Servers, it was a no-brainer that Windows may not be the best choice for me.
So here I am exploring an unfamiliar territory of living purely with Linux.
Wish me luck.
Amit Jindal
CEO, Aquevix